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Further training RRCS 2015

Epigenetics in the focus of behavior and nature of the dog".

Further training RRCS 2016

Heredity - population genetic breeding basics

Further training RRCS 2017

Impact of environment, diet and genetics on HD, ED and OCD

Theme evening with Karin Jansen from Hamburg (D) 2018

"Hunting Control" "Breed Specific Hunting Behavior in Dogs: Understanding - Employment - Hunting Control".

Theme evening with Karin Jansen from Hamburg (D) 2019

"Relationship Box: Recognizing and Changing Patterns"

Webinar Ridgeback Relevant vonTimmy Ralfe  22.01.2022

Der Rassestandard des Rhodesian Ridgebacks, mit Bild und Wort erklärt

Webinar Rüdengesundheit "Basiswissen"  von Caniva, 28.03.2022

Dozent/-in: Dipl. ECAR Dr. Sebastian Patrick Arlt (D)

Webinar  Rüdengesundheit "Zuchtrüden"  von Caniva, 04.04.2022

Dozent/-in: Dipl. ECAR Dr. Sebastian Patrick Arlt (D)

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